Burglary in the UK

Burglary in the UK: How to Keep Your Belongings Safe Burglary rates in the UK have exhibited fluctuations in recent years, with some concerning increases reported. In this informative blog post, we will delve into the latest burglary statistics and offer tips on protecting your valuables and belongings from theft. 2020 Burglary Rates In 2020, […]
Are your valuables safe?

Are you going away on a nice little summer holiday soon? Ensuring your valuables are safe and protected whilst you’re not there is crucial. No one wants to come back from a lovely relaxing holiday to find that thieves have targeted their home because it looked unoccupied and had valuable items left lying around. Making […]
Maintain the condition of safe deposit box items

After deciding on what you can store in your safe deposit box, you may need to find out how to maintain the condition of your safe deposit items. Putting your valuables in a safe deposit box is a great way to keep them safe. Whether you want to store important documents, jewellery, or other valuables, […]
Storing your Rolex

Proper storage and care are essential for Rolex watches – or any luxury watch. Rolex watches represent incredibly precious and, in most cases, expensive items. Therefore, you should store them properly, not only to maintain their excellent condition but also to ensure they continue performing as well as the day you bought them for years […]
New Year’s safety tips

It’s a festive time of year filled with family fun, merry spirits, and evenings out. if your home is filled with brand-new Christmas and New Year’s gifts, it’s crucial to keep your belongings safe during this time. check out our New Year’s safety tips to help keep you and your belongings safe. Tips for keeping […]
Benefits of a deposit box

Although the number of banks closing their safe deposit box facilities is increasing dramatically, there are still several safe deposit centres up and down the country, which focus solely on the protection of your valuables. Safeguard your items Items in your safe deposit box are protected from natural disasters at home. In addition to causing […]
The security of our Safe Deposit

The Benefits of a Safe Deposit Box Putting your trust in a company can sometimes be a bit of a difficult decision. Primarily when that decision determines the safety of your valuable or even sentimental items. Considering where to store such items can be a daunting task. Some may think they’d be better off hidden […]
What’s the difference between electronic and manual boxes?

How are manual and electronic boxes different? At the Safety Deposit Centre Manchester, we have both Electronic and Manual Safety Deposit boxes available for our clients. Our Electronic collection boxes start at £50 for three months. The customer can access these boxes through a biometric system. Therefore the user can open the safe with their […]
The Increase Of Safe Deposit Boxes

In recent decades there has been a number of factors which have led to the increase in the number of people using safe deposit boxes. This is down to political uncertainty, the aftermath of the 2008 UK recession, the lack of trust in the banks, Brexit… the list is endless. Closure of banks In 20 […]
Silver Screen Safe Deposit Boxes

Safe Deposit Boxes are Movie Stars Believe it or not there are dozens of movies, even blockbusters, which revolve around safe deposit boxes. They cover almost every genre e.g. action, thriller, romance, you name it and there most likely is one! This then begs the question; why? One of the main reasons may be a […]